Some information about animals

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Those living beings which can feel, touch, and can move from one place to another place are called animals. There are many spices of animals in all over the world.  Mainly, Animals are dived in to two groups. They are Wild animals and domestic animals.

Wild animals

The animals which lives in forests is called wild animals. Some of the examples of wild animals are lions, tigers, leopard, elephant, and so on. They can be categorized in various species and groups. Some of them are carnivorous, some are herbivorous and others are omnivorous. Most of the wild animals are directly and indirectly advantageous for us. 

Domestic animals

 Those animals which are kept by human beings are called domestic animals. Some of the common domestic animals are dog, cat, cow, ox, elephants etc. All of these are very useful for us to fulfill our needs. They like and treat us like friend. They are safe in the presence of men. Human beings love domestic animals very much.

Classification of  animals.

There are many animals with various species. The animals which live on the land is called terrestrial animals. Elephants, lions, tiger, rhino etc are some examples of animals. The climate of different places are not similar and all animals cannot survive in the same climate. So, the terrestrial animals are further divided into different sub groups. On the basis of climatic condition where animals live, they are divided in following types. Some of the types are described below.

Animals that live in hot climate

Some animals live in hot climate. Cow, elephant, tiger, buffalo etc are the examples of such animals. These animals have very thin layer of fur. 

Animals live in cold climate

Some animals live in extreme cold climate. Yaks, polar bear, snow leopard, penguin etc are the examples of the animals which live in extreme cold climate. They have thick layer of fat just below the skin, which keeps them warm in the hot climate. They have very thick fur. They have short and strong legs. 
2) Aquatic animals 
Those animals which live in water are called aquatic animals.  Starfish, octopus, prawn etc are some of the examples of aquatic animals. Some of them are fresh water in habitat like river, ponds etc and some of them are marine in habitat like sea and ocean. Aquatic animals have streamlined body. Most of them are waterproof scales on their body. Animals like fishes have gills for respiration and fins for swimming. Whales and dolphins have lungs for respiration. Such aquatic animals have air sacs in their body.
3) Amphibians animals.
Amphibians are those animals which can live on both in water and on land are called amphibians animals. They have lungs to respire on land and moist skin to respire in water. They need water for reproduction. Frog, hyla, newt, salamander etc are the examples of amphibians animals.
On the basis of habitat and character animals are divided into following groups:
1) Arboreal animals
Those animals which spends most of their time on tree but cannot able to fly in air are called arboreal animals. Monkeys, squirrel lizards, tree snakes etc are examples of arboreal animals. They have climbing capacity. They have pads on their palm for better gripping.
2) Aerial animals
Those animals which can fly and spend most of their time in air are called aerial animals. They have wings to fly and streamlined body which helps them to fly easily. They have sharp eyes and beaks of various sizes. Their body is covered with feather and have hollow and light bones. Eagle, crow, parrot, bat, etc are the name of aerial animals.
3) Diurnal animals 
The animals which are active in daytime but passive at night are called diurnal animals. Elephant, squirrel, bees, house flies etc are some examples of diurnal animals. They are found resting at night.
4) Fossorial animals
The animals which live in holes or in the ground are called fossorial animals. Snakes, rats, rabbit etc are the examples of fossorial animals. Many of them have strong snout and sharp claws to dig hole and to push out soil.
5) Nocturnal animals 
Those animals which are active at night and passive at day time are called nocturnal animals. Owl, bat, rats, cockroach, moles snake, earth worms etc are the examples of nocturnal animals. They are found resting during day time.

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