Essay on importance of discipline and studentlife

Essay on Student life.

The time which we spend to get education from formal institutions such as school, college or university is called student life. Student life is life which we work hard to gain our goal of life. Future of human beings depends upon education that they achieve that education during this period. It is a kind of preparation for future.

Student life is a unique life of human beings. So, it very important in human life. It is period of learning. Learning means to learn much more about particular things. In fact  the future human beings created on the basis of education gained in the student life or during this period. So, student life is a period of forming good character. The person who have good education can become a good and useful person not for only family and society but also for whole country or nation. If the person does not make good use of this period, he or she cannot get good job and respect in the modern society.

Different people choose their profession according to their educational qualification which he or she gained in the student period. In this period people learn different types of skills so that they can earn money and live easy and comfortable life. People also some important social virtues such as fellow felling, sympathy, corporation and tolerance as it an important phase their secondary socialization. So, people properly can be educated during student life.

Student life is important as well as little hard life of the human beings. Student should be disciplined and dutiful in this period.  They should respect the sources of knowledge such as books, copy and teachers. Student should keep good company mostly during this period because their learning process and character can be highly influenced by the company they keep.

Therefore, to get success in the life and live easy, healthy and comfortable life student life should be utilized and passed honestly, wisely and carefully.

 Essay on  importance Discipline

The practice of training especially of the mind and character which aims at producing self control, obedience, sincerity, honesty etc is called discipline. It is a code of conduct which makes our life smooth, pleasant, and worth living. It is also known as the real ornaments of a student as well as the human beings. It plays very important role in the student life. To get success or to pass the student life properly a person need proper discipline.

We have to obey some rules and regulation in our life. Discipline makes us to obey that rules which we need to run our life. A without discipline can be compared with a brake failed vehicle. The person who obey the rules and regulation in each and every part live is called disciplined people. Discipline leads us toward the door of the success. Disciplined people are heartedly welcomed, liked, love and respected with others. Disciplined make us capable to meet our destination. So it also called root of success. Discipline teaches us how to learn, save our money, time and labour and it makes our life happy and prosperous.

Discipline is equally important for all. At school, students as well as the teacher should be in disciplined. When they not in disciplined the teaching and learning activities cannot be success. In order to organize any organizations or institute in proper way, the all member of that organization or institute should be in disciplined. If the students study and work hard in disciplined way, they can get their destination. If we labour in disciplined way, we can make better production. A small number of disciplined soldiers can defeat a large number of undisciplined soldiers.

The future of person depends on discipline. So we should always be in disciplined. We should always follow the rules and regulation in each and every part of our life to get success and better life.

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