Importance of women education

Importance of women education 

Education is light. It removes ignorance and a person conscious , skilled and productive. Now education everyone’s need. Both male and have a fundamental right to get education. The education which is given to the women is called women education. In this competitive modern age education is considered the first and foremost factor of development. Development without women active participation cannot be success and sustainable.
Despite many efforts , the level of women education is still poor in developing country like our Nepal. Literacy for female is much lower than the males. So female get less opportunities. Various factors such as superstition, discrimination, unfair social norms and values discourages girls and women to get education equally. The system of early marriage  has spoiled the time of education of many girls. Even those few educated are not getting equal opportunities as males to utilize their knowledge and skill. Poor education among women is the main cause of social backwardness, rapid population growth and unsustainable development.
It is rightly said that to educate a women is to educate a whole family. Research in many countries shows that if their is well educated, children will be healthier and better fed, they will perform better at school, and will be sent to school regularly to a higher level. The house hold have a higher living standard as the mother may also be able to take training and earn money in local or cottage industry.
If the women will be educated then they can think what is right and what is wrong. They will not believe on superstition, discrimination or other bad social norms and values. They can be able to make family planning which helps to control population growth. So, the government and respective person should give priority and encourage people to educate girls or women.

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