Essay on forest and mountains of Nepal

The forest of Nepal

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    Nepal is a small and developing country. Nepal is rich in natural beauty. Nepal is also rich in the forest. It is also a mountainous country. Most of the mountain of Nepal is covered with green forests. It is also living place of animals, birds, or wild animals.
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 There are also many advantages of forest. We can preserve or protect wild animals by establishing protected areas such as national park, wild life conservation area, etc in forest. We can get firewood, timber, fruits, medicinal herbs, grass for grazing etc from the forests. It helps to purify the air and reduce the air pollution. It helps to save the underground water and balance the eco-system. It helps to control the natural disaster such as flood, landslides, etc. Similarly, it helps to attracts many tourists. We can earn foreign currency form them.
           Nowadays, it is fast being destroyed. People destroys the forest for various purposes. One of the most causes of forest destruction is rapid population growth. As we know that growth of population increases the population demand and to fulfill that demand people start to cut down forests for the settlement and agriculture. Similarly, Poverty is also one of the main causes of forest destruction. Poverty means being poor or lack of fulfilling basic needs. To get money and fulfill their basic needs people start to cut down forest for wood and firewood to sell in market. The cattle glaziers take their domestic animals in forest to graze. These domestic animals eats new plants. By the results, the newly growing plants cannot grow. The silly people set fire in forest. By the result, it causes forest fire and destroys whole forests.
       Forests destruction invites many disaster such as landslides, flood, soil erosion, pollution, green house effects, desertification, etc. Disaster causes loss of many lives and property. If the process of forest destruction cannot be controlled in time, the future will be extremely risky.
     In order to control natural disaster we have to preserve forest. For that we have to provide education to the people. We should launch afforestation. Community forest must be formed. Selling of fire wood and timber must be banned. Strict rules and regulation should be formed.
     The natural beauty of Nepal or any country cannot be preserved without preservation of forests. Therefore, we have to preserve forest in any cost.

The mountains or the himalayas of Nepal 

       As know that Nepal is mountainous country. It is also known as land of the himlayas or mountains because among ten highest mountains eight highest mountains lies in Nepal.
       The high mountains of Nepal are covered with snow but the lower parts of them are covered with grass and plants. There are many advantages of  mountains. The snow capped mountains peaks looks very beautiful and helps to attract tourists which helps to earn foreign currency. The tourism trade depends on mountains. Many tourists come in Nepal to climb on mountains especially Mt.Everest the highest peck of Nepal as well as the world. Many rare herbs are found in mountain region of Nepal which are for essential to make medicines. If we can export that herbs in foreign countries then we can earn many foreign currency. The snow capped mountains are the origins of rivers in Nepal from which we can get fresh water. Therefore, mountains are the permanent sources of water. The climate of mountain regions is completely fresh and healthy.
         There are some disadvantages of mountains.The fertility of land of mountain region is not rich. So,the farmer of that place cannot able to grow more crops and due to that they are under poverty line. Roads are the basic requirement for any place but it difficult to make roads in mountain regions. That'swhy there is the lack of transportation facility. There is very difficult to send electricity in mountain region. Many natural disaster such as landslide, flood etc affect people very badly.
       Nowadays, the problems of transportation has been solved in mountain region. Therefore, people are able to sends their agricultural products in market place in time to sell which helps to improve their living standard. To attract tourists and improve economic condition of the people of mountain region and country government should develop mountain regions.

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